About '50th wedding anniversary gift idea'|50th Wedding Anniversary Decorations
My favorite tree and flower share, coincidentally enough, the same name. The more than majestic magnolia is the single greatest tree in the world for climbing. The fragrance of the fruit of the magnolia tree--by which I mean the flower--is the kind of sweetness that poets spin words into meaningless rhymes over. If you want to fulfill the challenge of planting a tree that your kids will love when they are kids that also produces a flower that their spouse will enjoy as a gift on their 50th wedding anniversary, then the magnolia is really the only choice that makes even the slightest bit of sense. And here are three tips to make that multi-decade process go easier. 30 Feet Rule The 30 feet rule applies to magnolias during the planting stage. If you want your magnolia to achieve primacy as the greatest plant in the yard, then above all else you must put into action the 30 feet rule. The majesty of the magnolia is a bit hard to contemplate when the youngling is not even as tall as the eaves of your house. Picture in your mind the day several years hence when the magnolia towers over the house in such a way that even the hottest day of August feels more like the fifth hottest day of May. The slow development upward and outward of the magnolia requires that sapling planting be carefully measured off 30 feet from any obstacle that could interfere with its achieving full magnificence. Plant your magnolia 30 feet from your house, 30 feet from any nearby three and, needless to say, 30 feet from a power line. Soak up the Sun Magnolias are found in abundance in the South. Mississippi is actually known not as the Jim Crow State, but the Magnolia State. While that may have been merely a paperwork mistake, the fact remains that Dixie is home to the best that magnolia trees have to offer. The reason for this is exposure to the sun. Yeah, sure, you can grow magnolias in the shade of nearby trees or a towering building next door and that tree will be as perfect for climbing as any magnolia that grows with the sunshine remaining unimpeded. But magnolia trees that don't enjoy exposure to the sun's rays will produce fewer blossoms. And since the enticing aroma of the white flower of the magnolia is such an enormous part of the tree's appeal, why would you want to make that choice unless you were absolutely forced to. If you want to make sure that your magnolia reaches the full fruition of its powerful appeal, make sure to plant it where the sun shines heaviest. Transplant Magnolia trees are such incredible works of art that you one day find yourself tearing up at the very idea of having to move and leave your tree behind. It would be ridiculous to try to transplant a full grown magnolia unless you have some serious money behind you and even then it would seem unreasonable since you could always buy new ones. While your magnolia tree is still fairly young and manageable, however, there is little to no reason not to take it with you. Or even just to move it to another part of the yard. As long as you take care not to enact unnecessary trauma upon the roots and engage in the process of transplanting the tree when its roots are experiencing growth in the spring, you should be able to successfully move the magnolia without undo harm. March and April are the ideal months for transplanting a magnolia. Any other time and you run the risk of killing this magnificent specimen. |
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